Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Te Reo Maori Word Search

 I got this from WOOP in our delivery and I worked so hard on this to find all of the Maori words

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

tom the monster


Tom is a big scary green monster with big purple spots.  He has big ears, 

3 eyes an they are really big and 2 sharp teeth a blue nose and a spikey purple and red tail.

Tommy is a little baby monster and he has purple ears and tail with candy cane ears exactly like Tom his dad and Tommy has the same green skin as Tom and they both have blue mouths.  Tom has not just one colour green he got a dark coloured green and a light one and a bright one and they got four ears candy cane ears and normal ears.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Yummy S'mores for dessert


i made yummy s'mores my aunty Lisa and my mum.
we melted marshmallows on a stick over the top  of the gas oven, then we squished 
the marshmallows in between 2 griffins choc biscuits,.  we made lots 2 for me, 2 for uncle rob 2 for aunty lisa and 2 for mummy - they were really delicious